Erik Torres had this vision growing up with long time friends Thomas Murphy and Miguel Garcia creating a clothing brand with each shirt used as if it was a canvas. Erik and Miguel decided to expand this vision to higher level and create a brand named ROYAL PROSPECTS. With the growth of the brand Erik and Miguel saw the same hunger and ambition in three young men Victor Gonzalez, Brian Gallagher and Martin Cabrera adding there talents of design and marketing to the family.The concept everything has a message and every art work that speaks for it self.

The name Royal Prospects comes by just  being true to your self never forgetting where you come from.  We all start from nothing to become something we all are prospects that wanna become royalty but within ourselves.  To feel proud of what we do in our everyday life,that Is were we try to set with our designs to resemble who we are n what we wanna say in our message. 
Royal Prospects captures all types of genres n cultures n news by  bringing it to life with there feeling n vision and in artwork with a twist of there taste. 
We thank all the PROSPECTS out there and thanks for the support remember we all are Royal Prospects in your own way and talents. 

Peace and Love

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